ATMEL AVR CPU 개발 자료 링크들
캐나다의 아마추어 무선사인 VA3TO (Hugh Alexander Duff) 의
홈페이지에서 슬쩍해 온 링크들입니다. 제가 최근에 ARM 과 AVR CPU
를 이용한 어플리케이션에 관심이 많아서 가져다 놔 봤습니다.
특히 초저가(?), 초저용량, 초소형의 AVR CPU 로 네트워크 장비 개발용
TCP/IP Stack 같은 것들을 공짜로 뿌리는 프로젝트들은 감동적이기
까지 합니다. 관심있으신 분들은 돌아보셔도 좋을듯...
Ben Zijlstra's Hobby Corner
Ben has plenty of microcontroller related information including descriptive pictures during the assembly of an Ethernet I/O kit,
Bascom code examples and other neat stuff. Ben wrote the Bascom code for the EIO Board !
BASCOM-AVR..Program the AVR in BASIC
MCS Electronics...Home of BASCOM compilers for the AVR and 8051 family microcontrollers.
BASCOM is very VB-like, and a great tool for getting a project up and running quickly when assembler would take much longer (and Mark is a good guy :)
Don't knock has come a long way since the days of numbered lines. To paraphrase a carmaker's ad from the past, "This ain't your father's BASIC".
Open source IP Stack for the AVR written in 'C'
Based on Adam Dunkels' open source IP stack, ported to the AVR by Louis Beaudoin.
A slightly modified version that will work on the EIO board can be found on Ben Zijlstras' web site (link above).
An inexpensive In-Circuit-Serial-Programmer (ICSP) PC Board
I considered designing a pc board for an STK-200 type Serial programming board but then I came across this one from EAS Electronics.
At $5 each for the bare PC Board, it wasn't worth my effort to design and produce what's already available at a reasonable price.
I have no a affiliation with EAS so please use the "Contact" link near the bottom of the page to inquire or place an order.
AVR Freaks
A very cool hangout for AVR microcontroller gurus dealing with hardware and software...discussion forums too.
An interesting AVR tutorial focusing on GCC under Linux .
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