VoIP: Internet Linking for Radio Amateurs
by Jonathan Taylor, K1RFD Growing numbers of hams are using VoIP, or Voice Over Internet Protocol, in combination with their radios for long-distance communication spanning hundreds or thousands of miles. They're using the Internet as the relay between their base stations, handhelds and mobile transceivers. This is a guide to the four primary VoIP systems used by hams: EchoLink, IRLP, eQSO and WIRES-II. The book is designed for beginners who need information on how to set up and use these systems, but it also provides plenty of technical “meat” for those who want to dig deeper and explore how the systems actually work. Contents: . Connecting The World . Using A VoIP Link . Conference Servers, Reflectors and Nets . Other Linking Systems . Setting Up Your Own Node . Digital Audio and the Internet . Under The Hood: Echolink . Under The Hood: IRLP . Legal Issues In Linking . Web Resources & Glossary This may be the first book ever written about ham radio applications of VoIP...