슬라임, IOTA 원정 운용 갑니다.

오는 주말 ('05.10.29~31) 제가 속해 있는 59DX Club (호출부호:DT0HH) 의 맴버들과 함께 대부도 (AS-105) 로 IOTA (Island On The Air) 원정 운용을 갑니다. IOTA 란 1985년 영국 아마추어 무선 연맹에서 시작한 프로그램으로 섬들과 교신을 많이한 무선사들에게 상장을 주는 일종의 게임입니다. 전세계적으로 IOTA 상장을 받기 위해 IOTA 운용만을 사냥(?) 하는 무선사...

4세대 이동통신을 위한 소프트웨어 라디오 기술

출처: 한국전파진흥협회 ( http://www.rapa.or.kr ) 정기간행물 '전파진흥' 2001년 9월호 4세대 이동통신을 위한 소프트웨어 라디오 기술 <숭실대학교 정보통신전자공학부 이원철, 신요안> 요 약 Software Defined Radio (SDR) 기술은 첨단 디지털 신호처리 기술과 고성능 디지털 신호처리 소자를 기반으로 하드웨어 수정 없이 모듈화된 소프트웨어...

What is ZigBee?

The ZigBee logo The mission of the ZigBee Working Group is to bring about the existence of a broad range of interoperable consumer devices by establishing open industry specifications for unlicensed, untethered peripheral, control and entertainment devices requiring the lowest cost and lowest power consumption communications between compliant devices anywhere in and around the home. The ZigBee membership includes Philips, Honeywell and Invensys Metering Systems, and others and is responsible for defining and maintaining higher layers above the MAC. The alliance is also developing application profiles, certification programs, logos and a marketing strategy. Philips Semiconductors and other chip vendors plan to launch their first ZigBee products as early as 2003.  ZigBee was formerly known as PURLnet, RF-Lite, Firefly, and HomeRF Lite.   The ZigBee specification is a combination of HomeRF Lite and the 802.15.4 specification. The spec operates in the 2.4GHz (ISM) radio band - the...


    S-UNIT DISCUSSIONS Compiled From The Internet ORIGINALLY POSTED ON THE FINE WA4PGM SITE In article  Gordon Pritchard wrote: I've only heard of this 6dB/S-unit by way of *rumour*, too. I've followed this discussion for a bit, but don't know if anyone has mentioned it already.  The 6dB/S unit figure is covered in the 3B question pool.  It's never been clear to me which text is used as a refrence for any of the questions, but I presume (hope, actually) they are taken from some sort of reliable engineering text.  I think the pool needs a Bibliography! Jim --KE6JPO ___________________________________________________________________________ Greetings to All that read this from VE7TMA: The ARRL handbook refers to an old standard of  S9 calibrated at 50 microvolts RF input and 6 dB per S unit down from that reference point. The section also clarifies this by stating in reality there is seldom two rigs that follow the same absolute calibration curve co...

PSK31 Fundamentals

PSK31 Fundamentals Background: The PSK31 philosophy. PSK31 is the result of my belief that the present batch of "data" modes have left a gap in amateur radio operating, the gap that was previously filled by AMTOR or even traditional RTTY, in which two or more operators chat to each other on an open channel. Modes such as packet radio, Pactor, and others, are highly complex, are unsuited to multiway conversations, and in particular, the long block lengths introduce an unacceptable delay in the processing of text such that even normal conversation is unpleasant and quick-break question/answer sessions are impossible. The move to automated unattended message forwarding has left a gap in the person-to-person communication field, and PSK31 is an attempt to remedy this situation with a simple but efficient code structure coupled with the narrowest possible bandwidth, and with only enough error-correction to match typical typing-error rates, and with no time-consuming synchronisatio...

Compact QRP Rig Elecraft KX1

백업중. 표시 안됨

미국 햄 면허 따기

우리나라 햄 면허는 상호 운용 협정국이 거의 없어서 우리 면허로 딴 나라에서 운용할 수 가 없다. (이점에서 한국아마추어무선 연맹은 벌 좀 받아야 한다.) 미국 햄 면허는 많은 나라와 상호 운용 협정이 되어 있어서 미국 면허가 있으면 해외 원정 운용에서 대단히 편하다. 내가 원정 운용을 (DX'pedition 이라 불림) 갈...